This group was organized mainly for camaraderie among other graduates of this school, which will benefit all its members, the school, the students and last, the community.
President's Corner
January 15, 2023
“There’s unique beauty, brimming excitement and sheer hope in everything that is new.”
Greetings to all and Happy New Year!
The first official meeting for this year was held on January 14, 2023 after encountering a small hiccup in rescheduling; we’re finally in full session.
It is with delight on my part that the first newly elected officers, of our newly created alumni group, did showed up at the meeting with enthusiasm, a “ready to work” attitude and we were able to whip through the meeting agenda, painlessly and surely like a pro. The meeting was also attended by the SRES Alumni Coordinator, Jho Arabejo (observer) and our energetic volunteer adviser, Jess Arellano.
Aside from the post review of our few events last year and the appointment of an Assistant Secretary and Treasurer, the following are the highlights of the three (3) hour meeting and discussions:
1. Membership Growth
2. Voluntary Dues
3. Calendar of Events for 2023
As we grow and add benchmark projects, events and/or activities, we will be creating committees, recruiting leaders and asking volunteers to help us with our initiatives in the next 3 years.
Once again, I am requesting for your participation, support and commitment, in any level, so that the members, the students, the school and the community can reap the benefits and enjoy the rare privileges of having an alumni group. Truly, we just can’t do it without YOU.
In the meantime, I invite you to be an active and an informed member by checking our website, reading our facebook page regularly for an exciting updates or progress report and engage in our chat room conversations to meet new friends.
Make it count and only you can make it a great year!
Pres. Jeana Gamboa